Breast Lumps
Most breast lumps or masses are not cancer. Depending on age, family history, and the mass itself a biopsy is done. A needle biopsy can give a diagnosis without the need for surgical removal.
Depending on the result of the needle biopsy, or if it is symptomatic, the entire mass can be removed under a light anesthetic as an out patient.
Breast Surgery
There are many different surgeries for breast cancer.
The main ideas are:
First: remove the cancer. Either by removing the lump/mass (lumpectomy) or removing the entire breast (mastectomy).
This depends on size of the cancer, size of the breast, aggressiveness of the cancer, etc.
Second: evaluate spread of the cancer to the lymphnodes in the armpit (axilla).
This is done by sampling one lymphnode (sentinel lymphnode biopsy), if positive for cancer, more lymphnodes may need to be removed (axillary lymphnode dissection).
Breast Pain
Breast pain may be caused by the weight of the breast pulling on the fibers attached to the chest wall.
Treatment involves better support, like a sports bra, worn day and night. Also, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (Motrin, Advil, Ibuprofen) may help.
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer can be invasive or non-invasive.
The cancer itself it removed with surgery. Single or multiple lymphnodes may also need to be removed.
Chemotherapy and radiation therapy will depend on many factors, including:
Hormone receptors, Cancer spread to lymphnodes, Size of the cancer, Age, Family History, and overall health.